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Want to Boost Your Productivity at Work? ...

The next 19th august will be the futur « Cycle to Work » Day in the UK. The initiative encourages people to swap their usual mode of transport – whether that be train, the underground or their car – for a two-wheeled commute. The aim, of course, is to champion the benefits of cycling, one of which is […] ...

14 Janvier 2019

Companies Health Sport Well-being

Fitness Level measurements allow for more personalized coaching ...

Lifestyle Assessment can estimate your client’s aerobic Fitness Level based on 30 minutes of walking at a moderate pace. ...

11 Septembre 2018

Companies Health Sport Well-being

WHO launches Global Action Plan on Physical Activity ...

Worldwide, one in five adults, and four out of five adolescents (11-17 years), do not do enough physical activity. Girls, women, older adults, poorer people, people with disabilities and chronic diseases, marginalized populations, and indigenous people have fewer opportunities to be active. ...

7 Juin 2018

Health Sport Well-being

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