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Effective Remote Training ...

“We are very quickly moving things towards remote monitoring, thanks to Firstbeat Sports and Garmin wearables. It has been awesome,” explains Greg Hughes, Head Coach of the Men’s Heavyweights ...

21 Mai 2020

Sport Training Load

L’importance de la quantification de la charge d’entraînement ...

L’importance de la quantification de la charge d’entraînement. Article publié par IRMES-Paris Descartes-INSEP-FFJDA-CIMS ...

22 Avril 2019

Sport Training Load

Nouveautés 2019-2020

Découvrez les nouveautés 2019-2020 en terme de suivi de la charge d'entraînement. Solutions de mesure en temps réel de la charge interne (cardio) et de la charge externe (indoor et outdoor) ...

17 Avril 2019

Sport Training Load

Samba Success : Conquering Brazilian Futsal ...

“Monitoring the training load through FB Sports provided physiological data to make better decisions and plan the daily training of the players,” Lacerda explained. “The data allowed us to explore each of the athletes individually in order to optimize their performance and to individualize loads and recovery after training and games. ...

1 Avril 2019

Sport Training Load

Why monitor internal load in Elite Sports? ...

How do you measure internal load? There are several measures used to monitor an athlete’s internal load. At the basic level, subjective measures include the RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) scale and wellness questionnaires. These rely on the accuracy of athlete self-reporting. ...

22 Mars 2019

Sport Training Load

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